Everything you wish you knew about cloning – from G. of Vancouver Island Seed Company. Cloning is easy enough for anyone to do successfully, guaranteed. The information is everywhere: as close as your local nursery, or at your fingertips on the Internet. The first person to introduce me to the art of making cuttings was […]
How to grow Marijuana
The top 10 most common indoor growing mistakes
1. Too many plants. We forget that marijuana grows tall but also wide. If you do not know how many check this: read more 2. Let the plant grow too much. Indoor we decide when to change the photoperiod, from vegetating to flowering state and we forget to consider that marijuana just before flowering gives […]
Never trow away a Cannabis Plants
I would like to share with you a few words about my last Cannabis growing experience: Since long ago i had this seeds that i wanted to test feminized seeds. ACE Seeds Zamadelica. As a Cannabis Seeds Retailer i need to know the products i am selling. and i need to do a […]
Marijuana Light Cycle
Vegging light cycle During the marijuana vegging cycle, growing indoors will focus on establishing a solid root system, a strong main stem and lots of foliage consisting mostly of sun leaves. These are the broad five-fingered leaves (sometimes 7 or 9) that are the main engines for growth – converting light, with the addition of […]
Hydroponic Marijuana Sexing
How to sex marijuana Marijuana sexing simply means determining the gender of your marijuana. While cannabis occasionally may be hermaphroditic (having both pistils and stamens), generally, plants are wholly male or female. After four or five weeks you will start to have a chance at sexing the plants. Although generally considered one of the trickiest […]
Marijuana Odor Control
Marijuana Odor Control Strong smells is one of the key reasons for people getting caught. The odor from a room full of sticky bud can be quite overpowering and is very pervasive. Unless you live in an isolated location odor control should be one of your priorities. It is pointless investing time and money in the […]
Hydroponic Nutrients Marijuana Fertilizers Macro or major nutrients
Marijuana Fertilizers As well as some trace minerals all plants need three basic macro elements to grow: nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (N-P-K) and numerous trace elements. Fertilizers contain these macro elements in various quantities and will label them in this order, thus a label that states 10-5-5 will contain 10% nitrogen, 5% phosphorous and 5% […]
Marijuana pH and water
All plants need a plentiful supply of good clean water to grow. Tap water works ok but can often be high in alkalinity; if you are going to use tap water without a filter system then it is recommended that you leave tap water to stand for a couple of days to allow it to dechlorinate. You […]
LED Grow Lights ,relative new lights system What are LED grow lights?
There has been much recent controversy amongst cannabis growers about LED (Light Emitting Diode) grow lights. Just a couple of years ago the thought of growing weed under LED lighting would have been laughable. However, recent advances in LED technology have led to more and more growers claiming success and LED lighting sources are fast […]
Hydroponic Marijuana Grow Lighting
Hydroponic Marijuana grow lighting basics We will take a look at the specific light required by marijuana for growing purposes. Let’s start with a bit of light measurement; nanometres (nm) are a measurement of one specific wavelength of light (one specific color). While Kelvin (°K) which is discussed in more detail later on, rates the […]
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- Hydroponic Nutrients Marijuana Fertilizers Macro or major nutrients 0 comments
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- The top 10 most common indoor growing mistakes 0 comments
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